The Power of Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising

Advertising on Facebook is one of the best marketing values for many business owners. A well-constructed Advertising Campaign can create new leads, boost website traffic, increase brand awareness, increase store visits, or grow the readership and subscribers for a blog. Marketing success on Facebook requires expertise in several disciplines like online marketing principals, graphic design, copywriting, video production and Facebook Power Editor/Ads Manager. Facebook’s power comes from two things the massive number of users, over 218 million users in the U.S. or 68% of the American population Pew Research Center, and the use of the highly advanced Facebook Ads Targeting features.

Facebook Ad Targeting

Unless you are living off of the grid, Facebook knows literally everything about every US citizen. It is odd that almost knows one knows it. Facebook uses its vast database for Ad targeting to help advertisers get the right Ads to the audiences that are most likely to engage with the Ad. Not only does Facebook collect data from Facebook user profiles, but also user’s likes, follows and comments, and all of the activity on Instant Messenger. Facebook also purchases data outside of the platform. Facebook buys data about your offline purchases. The next time you pay for dinner or clothes shop with your credit card, Facebook will know – learn more.  The bottom line Facebook learns who their users are and what their interest is so they can deliver the right Ads to the right potential customer.  Using Facebook ad Targeting requires serious expertise if you are to get the best results.

The Rise in Facebook Video Viewing

For better or for worse consumers are opting for watching a video presentation online over reading. According to Cisco, 75% of the world’s mobile data traffic will be video by 2020. By utilizing fun, informative or otherwise engaging video content in Facebook Ads business owners will continue to get their target audiences more and more engaged. Video usage is a trend that will continue to grow in the years to come.

What Kind Of Businesses Do Best With Facebook Ads?

Any type of business can use Facebook Advertising successfully if they have the right objectives and expectations in mind. In my experience, B2C companies have an easier time targeting customers than do B2B businesses. I use Facebook Ads to target business owners B2B, but business owners are a small segment of all Facebook users, and it is easier to target customers that comprise larger groups than business owners.


Facebook Advertising is a great way for business owners to reach their customers, and at a lower cost than Google PPC. The best way to see if Facebook Advertising is right for your company is to work with an experienced Ad agency with a proven track record. Be sure you have a plan in place with well-defined objectives and give it a try.

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